The Aga Khan University Scholarship 2024 | JOIN NOW

The Aga Khan University Scholarship : Invest in your future

For bright and ambitious students from developing countries, a world-class education can feel out of reach. The high cost of tuition can be a significant barrier, especially for those pursuing postgraduate studies. However, the Aga Khan University Scholarship (AKF ISP) has emerged as a ray of hope, providing financial assistance to deserving scholars.

Who is Aga Khan University?

Before getting into the details of the scholarship, let’s explore the institution behind it. Aga Khan University Established in 1983, Aga Khan University (AKU) is a network of private, not-for-profit universities with campuses in Pakistan, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and England. AKU is known for its commitment to excellence in education, research, and service, with a focus on health sciences, education, and the humanities.

What is Aga Khan University Scholarship?

The Aga Khan University Scholarship Program (AKF ISP) is a prestigious scholarship program offered by the Global Center for Education Development (GCED) of the Aga Khan University. Established in 1969, the program has a rich history of supporting outstanding students from developing countries who demonstrate exceptional academic ability and financial need.

Who is eligible to apply?

The AKF ISP caters to postgraduate students from developing countries identified by the World Bank. A drawback of the eligibility criteria is:

Citizenship: Be a citizen of a country on the World Bank’s list of developing countries (check online for the latest list).

Educational Background: Possess a strong academic record with a relevant Bachelor’s degree from a recognized institution.

Field of Study: The scholarship gives priority to master’s level study in the various fields offered at AKU, focusing on subjects important to development in the applicant’s home country. PhD applications are only considered for the first two years of study.

Financial Need: Demonstrate clear financial need and inability to finance postgraduate education without external assistance.

What does the scholarship cover?

The AKF ISP offers a partial scholarship, which covers a significant portion of the recipient’s educational expenses. Here is what the scholarship covers:

Tuition Fees: The scholarship covers the full cost of tuition fees for the chosen master’s program at AKU.
Living expenses: A stipend is provided to help with living expenses such as accommodation, food and books. The amount varies depending on the student’s location and the duration of the program.
Travel Expenses: The scholarship does not normally cover travel expenses for university or international health insurance.

Scholarship not covered?

It is important to understand the limitations of the scholarship:

Travel and Insurance: As mentioned above, travel expenses and international health insurance are not covered. Students will need to budget for these expenses.
Personal expenses: Expenses beyond tuition, living stipend, and possibly travel are not covered. Students need to consider additional expenses such as clothing or the needs of dependents.

How to Apply for Aga Khan University Scholarship?

The application process for AKF ISP is usually done online through the Aga Khan University website. Applications usually open in early January and close by the end of March. Here is a general overview of the application steps:

  • Check Eligibility: Make sure you meet all the eligibility criteria mentioned earlier.
  • Gather Documents: Prepare all required documents, such as transcripts, certificates, letters of recommendation, and a statement of purpose that outlines your academic goals and financial needs.
  • Complete the online application: Submit your application through the AKU website, ensuring that all information is correct and complete.
  • Wait for selection: The selection process is competitive. Shortlisted candidates may be contacted for interview.
Selection Criteria:

Selection process for AKF ISP is rigorous and merit based.

Financial Need: Must demonstrate clear financial need and be unable to finance study without support.
Statement of Purpose: A well-written statement outlining academic goals, career aspirations, and how the scholarship will contribute to your development is important.
Prospects for Future Contribution: The scholarship gives preference to students who have the potential to make a positive impact in their home countries after graduation.

Important Dates and Deadlines:

As the deadline may change from year to year, it is very important to refer to the official website of AKU for the latest information. However, applications usually open in early January and close by the end of March. Make sure to check the deadlines well in advance and plan accordingly.


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