Great UN Biodiversity Conference 2024 | Colombia | APPLY NOW

A Turning Point: The UN Biodiversity Conference 2024 on Biological Diversity (COP 16) in Cali, Colombia

Protecting our planet’s biodiversity in 2024

The year 2024 is a critical moment for global biodiversity conservation efforts. From October 21 to November 1, Cali, Colombia, will host the 16th session of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 16). This highly anticipated event brings together world leaders, scientists, policymakers, and stakeholders to address the critical issue of biodiversity loss and chart a course for a more sustainable future.

Understanding the importance of COP 16

COP 16 builds on the momentum generated by the historic COP 15 to be held in Montreal, Canada in December 2022. At COP 15, nations adopted the ambitious Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, outlining a comprehensive plan to halt and reverse biodiversity loss by 2020. COP 16 serves as an important platform for translating these goals into concrete action plans and securing the financial resources necessary for implementation.

Key themes of COP 16

The conference in Cali will focus on a number of key topics, including:

Financing for Biodiversity: Adequate financing from both the public and private sectors is essential to achieving the ambitious goals of the Kunming-Montreal Framework. COP 16 will focus on innovative financing mechanisms and resource mobilization strategies.

Implementation and Monitoring: Developing clear implementation plans and robust monitoring frameworks are critical to tracking progress and ensuring accountability. The conference will discuss how to translate the global framework into national and regional action plans and establish effective monitoring systems.

Capacity building and knowledge sharing: Developing the knowledge and skills needed to effectively manage biodiversity is critical. COP 16 will emphasize capacity-building initiatives, particularly for developing countries, and encourage the exchange of knowledge among nations.

Mainstreaming biodiversity: Integrating biodiversity considerations into all sectors, from agriculture and forestry to infrastructure development and economic planning, is essential for long-term success. The conference will explore ways to mainstream biodiversity into national development strategies.

Colombia: A fitting host for COP 16

Colombia, a nation known for its fascinating biodiversity, is a fitting host for COP 16. Home to an estimated 10% of the world’s species diversity, Colombia is a leader in conservation efforts, establishing extensive protected areas and implementing innovative sustainable development programs. By hosting COP 16, Colombia aims to highlight the importance of biodiversity conservation to the world stage.

Expected outcomes of COP 16

The success of COP 16 will be measured by its ability to achieve the following outcomes:

  • Concrete Action Plans: Clear national and regional action plans aligned with the Kunming-Montreal Framework, which outline specific actions to achieve the 2030 biodiversity targets.
  • Increased financial commitments: A significant increase in financial commitments from developed countries to support biodiversity conservation efforts in developing countries.
  • Improved monitoring and reporting systems: development of robust monitoring and reporting frameworks to track progress towards the 2030 goals.
  • Stronger international cooperation: A renewed commitment to international collaboration and cooperation on biodiversity conservation, promoting collaborative research and resource sharing.
Engaging the public and stakeholders

The success of biodiversity conservation goes beyond government and policy. COP 16 aims to engage the public and various stakeholders, including local communities, businesses and civil society organisations. Through educational workshops, public awareness campaigns, and citizen science initiatives, COP 16 can foster a sense of shared responsibility to protect our planet’s biodiversity.

Why should you care about COP 16?

Biodiversity loss is not just an environmental problem. This has profound implications for human well-being. Healthy ecosystems provide us with clean air, food, water security and essential natural resources. Biodiversity loss threatens all these benefits and threatens the future of our planet. The success of COP 16 is critical to protecting our planet’s natural heritage and ensuring a sustainable future for all.

Stay informed and involved

By following the official website of the United Nations Conference on Biodiversity ( and social media channels, you can stay informed about the latest updates and developments around COP 16. can. Many organizations working on biodiversity conservation offer opportunities. to include individuals. You can support relevant NGOs, advocate for policy change, or promote sustainable practices in your daily life. Every action, no matter what.

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