Decoding the ADIA Scholarship 2024| Answers to Your Burning Questions |JOIN NOW

Decoding the ADIA Scholarship: Answers to Your Burning Questions

The Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA) Scholarship Program is a prestigious opportunity for high-achieving students, sparking curiosity about its scope and details. Let’s dive into your questions and uncover the intricate details of the program:

1. Are scholarships awarded to non-UAE residents?

Unfortunately, the ADIA Scholarship Program currently only caters to UAE residents. Eligibility is limited to Emirati citizens and holders of official UAE resident visas (Golden Visa, Investor Visa, Family Visa etc.). The aim of this feature is to nurture talent within the nation and contribute to the UAE’s future knowledge economy.

2. Are scholarships offered for schools outside the UAE, such as American schools?

No, this program only focuses on higher education within the UAE. This is in line with ADIA’s objective of producing locally skilled professionals, who can directly contribute to the growth and development of the UAE. However, some universities within the UAE collaborate with international institutions, possibly offering exchange programs or dual degrees, broadening your educational horizons.

3. Are the scholarships paid only for school or do they include other aspects?

The ADIA Scholarship Program goes beyond mere tuition coverage. It is a comprehensive support system that includes:

Full Tuition Fees: Covering your full educational expenses.
Monthly Stipend: Providing you with financial stability to focus on your studies.
Health Insurance: Guarantee your well-being throughout the program.
Personal and Professional Development Opportunities: Workshops, conferences, and mentoring programs to promote your academic and personal development.

4. What programs are included in the scholarship programs?

The program currently focuses on specific sectors that are considered critical to the future of the UAE:

Computer Science: Fueling the nation’s technological progress.
Mathematics: Building a strong foundation for scientific development.

Scholarships are offered for:

Bachelor’s Degrees: Get your undergraduate education in these major fields.
Master’s Degrees: Advance your skills and become a leader in your chosen field.

However, this is not a complete list. Future expansion may see the program cover other key areas.

Additional Considerations:

The program is highly competitive, requiring exceptional academic credentials and demonstrated commitment to the UAE.

Selected scholars sign a contract to work within the UAE for a specified period after graduation, contributing to the development of the country with their skills and knowledge.

You can find detailed information about the eligibility criteria, application deadline, and program updates on the ADIA website:

In short, the ADIA Scholarship Program offers a life-changing opportunity for UAE residents who wish to specialize in computer science or mathematics within the UAE. If you meet the eligibility criteria and share ADIA’s vision for the nation’s future, this program can be your springboard for academic and professional success.

Open to non-UAE residents?

Sorry, this gem is reserved for Emirati citizens and official residents of the UAE holding a residency visa. ADIA wants to invest on its own, nurturing domestic talent to thrive here.

2. Is it possible to study abroad?

Not directly. The program focuses on developing skills within the UAE, but some partner universities offer international exchange programs or dual degrees, which broaden your horizons.

3. Beyond tuition fees?

Of course! ADIA believes in full cooperation. You understand:

  • Full Tuition Coverage: Say goodbye to financial worries and focus on excellence.
  • Monthly Stipend: Live comfortably while mastering your chosen field.
  • Accommodation: A comfortable place to call home during your studies.
  • Health Insurance: Peace of mind knowing you’re covered.
  • Personal and Professional Development: Workshops, Conferences, and Mentoring – ADIA wants you to shine!

4. What programs are covered?

Currently, ADIA prioritizes key areas for development in the UAE:

Computer Science: Make Your Way to the Future.
Mathematics: Form the basis of scientific progress.

Scholarships are available for both bachelor’s and master’s degrees, so you can pursue your passion deeper.

5. Sounds amazing, but is it competitive?

Apply button! ADIA attracts extraordinary minds. You will need excellent academic credentials and a desire to contribute to the development of the UAE.

6. Where do I sign up?

For all details, deadline, and eligibility requirements visit ADIA website at: go


The program comes with a commitment to work within the UAE for a specified period after graduation, giving back to the nation that invested in you.
ADIA is constantly evolving, so keep an eye out for potential expansion into other important disciplines.

With dedication and the ADIA Scholarship as your rocket fuel, you can take yourself and the UAE to new heights.

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